We want to hear from you!
Exploring Outdoor Experiences in the Early Years is interested in having your articles/stories that focus on some aspect of outdoor play. Published articles will contribute to our continuous learning on its importance to children’s development, and how we can connect children and adults to nature, place and environmental sustainability. The articles may be rooted in experience, perspectives, or research.
We are interested in articles that are in the range of 1000 and 1500 words. We are committed to featuring a wide range of stories and voices from across Canada and beyond.

How to pitch your article idea
Email your idea to [email protected]. Include “pitch” in the subject line.
Make your pitch in about two paragraphs and include the following:
- Theme of the article
- Type of foundation for article: experience, perspective, research based
- If there is an issue that the article would be most suited for (Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter)
- The pitch
Let your voice and passion for outdoor play be heard!
Ready to get started?
Your yearly subscription includes four seasonal issues packed with articles, ideas, and inspiration for getting your early-years children outdoors.