About the Magazine

A message from Dr. Beverlie Dietze

The Play Outdoors Magazine: Exploring Outdoor Experiences in Early Learning was first published in March 2021. It was a new adventure for me, for our team, and for many of our contributors. We have truly enjoyed the challenge of creating a magazine that illustrates the importance of outdoor play for children of all ages and diversities in their play.

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to our readers and advertisers for having the confidence in us to explore this resource. We look forward to continuing to provide a place to share stories and to contribute to our collective learning about outdoor play.

In each issue there will be articles from educators, practitioners, and researchers, along with ideas that might be used to spark children’s curiosity, play and exploration.

Watch for:

  • Reasons to celebrate the season
  • Provocations
  • Books and resources
  • Fun or cool facts
  • Reflection on and about practice
  • Recipes for children
  • And so much more.

Some of the topics that will be highlighted in upcoming issues include:

  • Designing spaces and places
  • Universal design in outdoor spaces
  • The magic of sticks and puddles
  • Creating maker space and STEM in the outdoors
  • The benefits of bugs
  • Outdoor spaces and places from an accessibility lens

Drop us an email and tell us what you would like to discover in upcoming issues.

What’s in a subscription?

YOUR annual subscription can begin AT anytime!

Your annual subscription includes 4 issues published quarterly in the Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter with the option of a digital or digital plus print subscription.

Play Outdoors Magazine Spring 2024 Cover

Play Outdoors Magazine FALL 2024 edition now available!


    Puppets in the Outdoor Play Space

    Pondering the Meaning Behind Children's Voices in Outdoor Play

    Wild Wednesday's: The Story of an Early Childhood Educator's Journey to Shift to Outdoor Play

    plus many more incredible articles!

    Ready to subscribe?

    You can choose to receive your subscription through a digital only subscription with instant access to the latest issue, or the combination of a digital and physical print subscription (shipping charges will apply).

    Ready to get started?

    Your yearly subscription includes four seasonal issues packed with articles, ideas, and inspiration for getting your early-years children outdoors.

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