Let’s Go Outside!

Let’s Go Outside!

Winter often gets a bad rap where I live! Because of the cooler temperatures and icy winds and frozen precipitation, most days children are restricted to indoor play. During the spring and summer, children have many opportunities to become familiar with their...
Are they Learning Centres or Discovery Spaces?

Are they Learning Centres or Discovery Spaces?

It has long been recognized that children who are curious experiment with ideas and materials in their environment, resulting in innovation and learning in various ways.  A child’s brain development is influenced by the types of play and experiences that they are...
Mirror, Mirror, Beyond the Wall

Mirror, Mirror, Beyond the Wall

Loris Malaguzzi has challenged educators to provide children with environments that offer them opportunities to exercise their curiosity in a variety of places and with an array of materials. Malaguzzi identified that “Our task, regarding creativity, is to help...
Finding Our Roots and Connections

Finding Our Roots and Connections

Examining our Outdoor Pedagogy and Philosophy Values and Beliefs There are many perspectives in the literature and in practice on the meaning of the term play-based programming and learning. How early learning professionals define play-based influences what they...
Why Beyond the Fence Matters

Why Beyond the Fence Matters

How many times have you walked by early learning and child care programs and kindergarten programs with chain link fences, where children come running to see you? Or have you ever observed children putting their tiny hands under the fence to just get that one...